My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Stacy Green is an excellent writer, I enjoyed the way she brought me into a world I wanted nothing to do with. She brought me into a world that made you question your moral choices. Many time I wanted to call it quicks with this book, and call up my book group and say I'm sorry I messed up I choose a book I just can't. Though I found myself turning page after page needing to know how it all ends. I called some things and was shock and surprised by others. Some I didn't even see coming.
I haven't read a book like this in years back when I was brave enough to read a James Patterson book.
I highly recommend anyone to read anything by Stacy Green if you enjoy Mystery suspense books and/or James Patterson.
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I Have two different reviews for this book, the one that hit all the book platforms, It’s nice sweet and to the point of how I feel about All Good Deeds. If you have any aversion to raw and possible profanity please stop reading now and if you so incline, grab yourself a copy. Your shelf will be better with it.
She excelled in an argument, never failing to make herself the victim regardless of the barbs she dished out. Debating with her was a waste of energy.
Serial killer or avenging angel?
Lucy tracks down killers to deliver vigilante justice. But a missing child will pull her into a case that’s darker and more complicated than anything she’s ever faced.
Lucy quickly discovers the link to a predator she’s faced before–a man the state of Pennsylvania decided to turn loose on the streets. Determined to find the little girl and put a criminal behind bars for good, Lucy forces her way onto the case.
As the search pulls Lucy into a web of evil beyond her darkest imagination, she’ll have to face her own dark truths to save the little girl–and herself.
This book has been sitting in my TBR pile for awhile. I knew that Stacy Green wrote psychological thrillers. I knew she wrote in a wheel house, I left behind many years ago. I still choose this book to be the first book that my little book group would read.
Before we go on, it's important to know that the purpose of my little book group is that each book books are meant to get you out of your comfort zone of reading, that we don't stick to any one genre.
I choose All Good Deeds for two reasons it would knock a book off my TBR list, and it seemed like a book that would be close to something everyone would read. Oh there was a third reason it was a free ebook, and It was chosen around the Christmas time, and with everyone in my book group with kids or on a very tight budget, I thought this would be a pocket book pleaser.
Like true Ter fashion I didn't read the blurb, at all! So load and behold we were all a bit shock when pedophiles were involved in the book. Then the questioning of one's own morals. I was like oh shit. I waited for the angry messages to pour in. None ever did.
I struggled with Lucy's life choice and still, do. I struggled with it from the point of being a survivor of pedophilia and as a parent. Lots of things that Lucy said pissed me the fuck off. I wanted to smack the bitch. But I kept reading cause Lucy also had some redeemable parts of herself.
I never stop reading the book, no matter how much I questioned myself or Lucy. I had to know how it ended. I enjoyed when I was able to piece enough of it together and get a confirmation on it, and was highly surprised at the twist and turns that the book took. The way it all ended had me like WTH where did that come from? Maybe I would've seen it if I didn't stop reading all those thrillers long ago, but in the end, I like that Stacy Green was able to bring me into a world that I didn't want a fucking thing to do with.
After talking with Book group, Our Star Rating Was a 4. Well written just not our cup of tea.
My Personal Rating: 5 stars, it's not something I will read again, though happy that I did read it. I enjoyed the fact no matter how my emotions wanted to rule me, that the bibliophile in me said don't you dare stop reading, keep at it, go go go go!
So If you love Psychological Thrillers in the likes of James Patterson Grab this Book ASAP.
Stacy Green is the author of the Lucy Kendall thriller series and the Delta Crossroads mystery trilogy. ALL GOOD DEEDS (Lucy Kendall #1) won a bronze medal for mystery and thriller at the 2015 IPPY Awards. TIN GOD (Delta Crossroads #1) was runner-up for best mystery/thriller at the 2013 Kindle Book Awards. Stacy has a love of thrillers and crime fiction, and she is always looking for the next dark and twisted novel to enjoy. She started her career in journalism before becoming a stay at home mother and rediscovering her love of writing. She lives in Iowa with her husband and daughter and their three spoiled fur babies. Stacy loves to hear from readers! Visit her website at stacygreenauthor.com, or Facebook at www.Facebook.com/StacyGreenAuthor
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